
Saturday, September 11, 2010

Where was I?

September 11th
Most of us know where we were and what we were doing so I'm boring you with my story.
I was full-time National Guard working at the ammo. plant in Minden. I remember my dad calling. He was laughing and telling me to pack my bags because I was "going to war". Now, if you know my dad you know this wasn't something super strange coming from him. Of course, I asked what he was talking about.
"Girl, a plane just hit one of the twin towers and I'm telling you it ain't no accident. You better go pack your £€*^".
First I asked what were the twin towers and then for him to repeat his goofy story. He told told me to find a TV.
I told the guys we needed to go to the maintenance building and see what craziness my dad was talking about. We turned on the TV and less than a minute after watching the news, the second plane hit. I was so confused. I still had no idea of the seriousness of what happened and what was to come.
Neal was away at a school in Virginia and within two hours, most of the guys in his class were called to return back to their units and put on full alert.
We were ordered to walk our building every hour and report any "unknown items" immediately. The plant was on lock-down. No one in. No one out.
I couldn't get in contact with Neal because cell service was basically not an option.
I had to be at my office and had no TV but I listened to the radio.
That was when for the second time in my life I have hated the media more than even possible. First time was Desert Storm and all the secret info they gave out. This time I heard CNN telling EVERYONE that the president was in the air for security and had landed on Barksdale.
I immediately started crying because I was scared that who ever was doing this awful stuff with the towers and the Pentagon would come after him. Not to mention any other place military.
The next few days were a blur of tears and anxiety as I watched over and over the videos of the planes, the people on the streets, people jumping from the burning buildings, the walls and walls of pictures where people were looking for loved ones and the police and fireman who once in a while scream for everyone to hush and it was pure silence as they listened for a faint voice of someone who may be alive.
I can honestly say this day will never leave my memory. Some details may fade but the pain, chaos and fear will always be there.

-John 14:6

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