
Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Where is my pillow?

I am hormonal, sad, scared, tired, overwhelmed, frustrated and anxious all at once.

Just when I think I can deal with some, they are all hitting me at once. Why can't I just be alone and quietly deal with what is going on? Why does God think I can handle it all? What should I be learning from this and how do I get out of it.

Where is my pillow so I can scream in it and cry it out?

I have to be there for my boys. I have to continue through the day without letting it stop me. As an Army wife you handle these things and work them out because your husband has a huge part to play and not have him worring about this end of "the lines" Just as the Army says, "If the Army wanted a family it would have issed one". At the same time as a child of God, He wants me to rely on others to work through it and not do it alone.

Just before I sit down to write this my own amazing son prays to God to give me and Dad a break from all our hard work. I did my best not to cry in front of him but to know that is on his mind breaks my heart.

As a christian my faith and hope reminds me God is on my side and has amazing plans for me. All this is just not for nothing. I know He sees the light at the end of the tunnel where I am stuck in the dark. I want to be so much at the same time nothing.

I love Him and thank Him for not letting me do it alone but I imagine myself just wanting to run and hide until it goes away. I pray the next few weeks go by so fast to get past some of this and I want it to be so slow that the other doesn't come.


Just Me said...

Sweetie, God does not want you to be able to handle it all. He wants you to turn to Him. I know that situations in life can be so difficult, but God can give you the courage that you need to conquer them. Keep smiling!

JMBMOMMY said...

I can't imagine how hard these days are for you--but I know He is big enough to give you that comfort. I pray this year goes by so fast!