
Saturday, June 6, 2009's been a while!

Since it has been so long since I have blogged, I won't catch you up on everything. I will start with today.

I went to my second kickboxing class in about 1 1/2 years and had forgotten how much I loved and missed it. I will regreat it in about 5-6 hours.

I ran home to get cleaned up so that me and the boys could go see Bob and Larry from Veggie Tales.

We waited in the wrong line for about 20 minutes and Scott wasn't pleased.

Andrew didn't mind either way...

We finally got to meet Bob and Larry. Scott hugged and hugged and tried to take Bob home. I finally convinced him they had to stay and work and that others needed a turn.

They even had the fire trucks and ambulance outside.

Next, off the Cypress Lake to meet my sister who wasn't able to come but we stayed anyway. The boys had a blast and we rushed back in time to clean up and head to church.
Service was great. Bro Mark was preaching on Eternity. He said "Christians, here on Earth is the closest you will ever come to Hell. As a unbeliever, Earth is the closest you will ever get to Heaven".
"250,000.00 die a day. Do you know where you are going?" Then isnt the time to find out!!

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