Two years ago today I gave birth to Scott Edward Purcell.
"What a strong name" someone said when he was a few months old. Boy were they right. He is emotional, hot-headed and tough. He is also sweet, loving, affectionate and quick to get upset when he hears a baby cry when we go anywhere.

His first name came from Scott which is from my brother, Clayton Scott. This would be the kind, affectionate and thoughtful side. His middle name is just as important. Edward came from Clay's grandfather, Edward Vowell. Ed was a strong man who was God fearing. If you ask someone over 40 who spent anytime in Sprinhill, LA, ask them if they knew Ed Vowell. Not only will they know him but they will only have good things to say about him. Hardworking and loved his family. So yes, he has a strong name.
We didn't even intend on having another child after Andrew. My pregnancy was really bad with Andrew and we were content with one; no Catholic in this blood!!!
I was in a mentoring relationship with Denise Hussein and we were reading A Wife After God's Own Heart. This was a really good study and there was a chapter about children. It in no way stated that God made us to give birth to a bunch of kids--sorry Octamom. What it did do was lay on my heart that we weren't through.

Ha! Ha! Imagine Neal's response when I shared with him we needed another child. I might as well have been Mary telling Joseph I was a virgin and pregnant. He later went along with it but I guess God takes away from moms the memory of the first six weeks of a newborn because I didn't remember the bad as much as he did.

What s SWEET Blog - and Super SWEET Pics! I have the same story - there almost was not a Taylor! Thank God for changing our hearts and eventually changing our husbands - hahaha!
He is absolutely adorable - GRRRRR!
I'm so glad you had him too...He's the son I have always wanted! I just get to sugar him up and send him home!!! LOL!
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