
Thursday, April 16, 2009


I love kids. I love their honesty. I love their imigination. I love that their heart is outside and bigger than you can imagine. There is no fear in loving and they love you...not holding anything back; even when you mess up.

I see why Jesus wants us to be like our children.

I was outside this afternoon in the back yard. The boys were playing and I was reading.
Andrew said, "Mom, ya know what I wish? I wish I had super strong arms so I could throw my ball all the way to God and He could throw it back".

I love it!! My son not only know his Father but he wants to play with Him! Not only is that the relationship I want with God but I want it for my family. A real relationship.


Anonymous said...

That is awesome! And so true- If we all had faith like a child!

JMBMOMMY said...

I love this.