
Monday, February 2, 2009

First day at home

I have been looking forward to this day for about a month or so. I had plans and knew what my first day would look like. Not even close. The kids woke up even earlier than they usually do. That meant no shower and no quiet time. My awesome husband took Andrew to school for me because I hadn't even ate breakfast or bushed my teeth.

I knew I wanted to start exercising and get my Flylady on track. If you haven't heard of her...check her out today. ( Anyway, I think it was after 9 before I ate and spend a few hours with my husband doing the awesome budget. Awesome because we took out the money I used to get paid!!!! Did I mention I forgot to take my anxiety meds this weekend while at the Gordon's? No? Well, I forgot. :-)

I finally was able to log in to do some work that I can't leave behind and realized it was time to get Andrew. Thankfully--once again--my husband offered to go get him from school. Yeah! Then it hit me...crap, I have to feed him and the other one. So, I made a mean dish of spaghetti-o's (again I had decided I would eat better than before). The boys slept and I began my cleaning.

The boys woke up and played outside with dad while I jammed to music and kept cleaning. I loved looking through my window as my boys followed their daddy around and pretended to help load firewood up by the house. They jumped on the trampoline and ran him ragged.

It didn't matter my plans were messed up or that all I had on my agenda didn't work out. God gave me a gift and I almost missed today' family.

We ALL ate dinner at the same time; no TV. We sat down and did homework (something we usually do in the breakroom before school). We read our new Highlights magazine that came in and a great story about Gideon and how he defeated the bad guys. I will thank God in my prayers tonight. Not for my house, the boys or health but thank you for the little things you gave us that are so great. The things he doesn't even have to give us. Today would have still been okay without it but God cares enough to give me a moment with my family that will never be taken away.


Shelly said...

Girl - there is one thing that I have learned out of life - Do not make plans! Take one day at a time! Just go with the flow-girl! Go with the Flow :)!

JMBMOMMY said...

It is so nice to be able to take one moment at a time--knowing that His plan is perfect each day. I agree watching my kids follow their daddy around is so priceless. And um...flylady is scary!!!

Kris-Amy said...

How awesome that you recognized it as a gift & not as a "day gone bad"... and you're right, it'll stay with you forever...