Okay, so I am reading this Bible study "Mom After God's Own Heart" and I cam e to a place where we were to read pieces of Daniel. Now we all know Daniel and the lion's den or the fiery furnace. I have even gone through the Beth Moore study of Daniel but I was reading soemthing this morning that was a WOW moment.
I knew Daniel and his friends (I can say it but not spell them) were taken and chosen to be part of the King's service. I knew they were "perfect" for the king but what I didn't realize was how young these boys were; 16-17.
Yes, that is close to being a man but when I think about someone close to that age (my brother) I think that is still super young. My mind begin to wonder about all that Daniel went through and how firm his stood in his beliefs and loyalty to God.
The king ordered certain food for the boys and Daniel decided it was defiled and that he should not eat it. Daniel was strong enough to speak up
The dreams he interpreted that could have cost him his life
Keeping God's commandements to only worship God
Not only that but knowing by not doing that he could suffer a horrible death by being eaten alive.
Now I think about my boys. During such times that it would be SO easy to just go with the flow or agree just to keep peace, what would my boys do? How do I prepare them for such hard times because they WILL come.
Will Andrew have to worry about being thrown in lion's den? No. But he will have people speak worngly of him and Scott. He will have people offer him drugs and alocohol. He will have guys tell him a party would be more fun than staying at home with the family. Some girl will want to have sex with him just once. How will my boys respond?
I never thought about that until this morning. Not only is it my job to teach him the Word, God's love for them but to act it out. I can't shelter him from everything and I don't want to. I want them to know this stuff exists and how Satan takes these small things and twists it around to where it isn't so bad. When you read Matthew 4:1-11, you see Satan doesn't say how the decision is bad or that he wants you to choose the sinful thing to do. Satan adds a clause by knowing God's word just as well as you and I.
Friends can be a powerful tool for Satan and I have got to make sure that I devote myself to quiet time so that God can give me that wisdom to pass it on to my boys. "Away from ME, Satan! For it is wrotten"'Worship the Lord your God, and serve HIm only.'
Good Blog! Yea - I can leave a comment now! :)
I love the story about Daniel! Thanks for Sharing your insight!
So chillingly true! How great for them that they have a Mom that studies God's Word to receive truth like that.
i didn't find your website til today, but that's a very good point, chrissie! i will have to think about that as Brody gets older.... never thought til now about how to teach him to stand up for God instead of fitting in (especially during those teenage years which are the hardest!). so many, many things to think about now that i am a MOM!!! =) thanks for getting me started!
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